
We help conserve the Amazon rainforest by empowering local populations to ensure a healthy planet.

We believe in the people who live in the Amazon. We are convinced that those who best care for the Amazon forest are the communities that inhabit it. To enhance this, we seek to join their efforts and develop incentives together to ensure a better quality of life based on the innovative and sustainable use of the natural resources of the standing forest.

Finding new ways to conserve

Caring and discovering. Love and nature. “Amanatari” is a combination of words from different dialects that together compose a new meaning.
Photo credit: Will Martínez

What we do

We designed a model with a people-centered approach that contributes to preserve the forest and local cultures. Our actions are developed from three axes that have in common the objective of supporting and empowering communities and ensuring the sustainability of each project.



Sustainable biobusinesses

We aim to establish sustainable economies of Amazonian products. We promote the development of local long term businesses based on wild and non-timber resources.

Ecosystem services

We work with communities to create new sources of income to improve their quality of life and protect their forests. We focus on jointly developing a high quality and traceable supply of ecosystem services, with the potential to access the private market and become a long-term source of income.

Territorial legal security

We seek to strengthen the legal security of local communities’ territories, promoting their titling and expansion, including effective conservation modalities led by them.

Our approach

Our experience and infrastructure allow us to develop innovative approaches to environmental conservation and biobusinesses management.
Photo credit: Bernardo Sambra
  • Key actions

    To implement our approach effectively, we have established a system based on the following key actions:
  • To become trusted partners of the communities.
  • Investing in biobusinesses and local capacity building.
  • Leveraging science and technology for sustainable and scalable conservation.
  • Invest in services and support for the legal assurance of the ancestral territories of Amazonian people.
  • Generate a supply of ecosystem services that will become a source of additional income for indigenous communities.
Amanatari Amanatari

Where do we work?

The Amazon is vital to the well-being of the planet and is currently under constant threat from deforestation, drug trafficking, fires, pollution and illegal mining.
In Peru, the Amazon forest occupies two-thirds of the national territory, and Loreto, the largest Peruvian department, is the one with the highest proportion of Amazon forest in the country.
Therefore, in our first stage, we will concentrate our actions in this department and, specifically, in the territories inhabited by Maijuna and Kichwa communities, with whom we will join forces to secure their territories and develop innovative and sustainable biobusinesses.

Our conservation partners and allies

We have the support of important institutions that are committed to the recovery and conservation of the Peruvian Amazon.

What makes us different

We are a non-profit organization committed to supporting Amazonian indigenous peoples, respecting their rights and cultures, and generating long-term relationships and biobusinesses. We have a multidisciplinary team whose expertise allows us to put innovation at the service of conservation. In addition, we have the financial support to undertake transformative actions and invest together with partners with the same objectives.

Meet our team

We are a multidisciplinary team with experience in science, government, regulation, business management, and conservation.
  • Amanatari


    Pepe has a long history of sharing and living with the communities in our area of influence. He is a biologist by profession with almost two decades of professional career within the Peruvian Amazon Research Institute (IIAP, by its initials in Spanish) and the Ministry of Environment.

  • Amanatari

    Leonardo Doig

    Leo specializes in field work and has previous experience in the coastal zone of the Peruvian territory. Biologist by profession, focused on the development of operations, planning and logistics of our organization.

  • Amanatari


    Amanatari's co-founder with experience in the journalistic and editorial sectors, and specialization in international politics. She has years of experience in the audiovisual production sector. Also passionate about conservation, she leads Amanatari in the areas of Communication and Sustainability.

  • Amanatari


    Lawyer with decades of experience in the environmental public sector. Twice Minister of the Environment and leader of SERFOR (Forest and Wildlife Service) of Peru for multiple years. Fabiola is our expert in matters of norms and regulations.

  • Amanatari

    Bernardo Sambra

    Co-founder of Amanatari. He has more than 30 years of experience in commercial, marketing and human resources management positions in the financial industry. Passionate about conservation and wildlife photography, he has the comprehensive vision to bring innovation to the Amazon.

  • Amanatari

    Francisco Román

    Francisco is a forest ecologist with 20 years of experience in the research and restoration of degraded ecosystems in Peru and Latin America. He specializes in assessing the impact of restoration on biodiversity, carbon, and hydrology in Andean and Amazonian ecosystems. He will be part of the research team at Amanatari.

  • Amanatari

    Sergio Pancorbo

    Sergio leads the value chains and planning front at Amanatari. He has over 20 years of experience leading projects in the government, banking, energy, and development sectors. He is passionate about designing and implementing products that address the major challenges of our country.
